Cruise ships can do better for solo travellers

Over on, I answered this question: What would you change about the cruise industry or experience?

I gave a short response, which I’d like to expand on here.

As someone who cruises alone, I’d like to see more provision made for solo passengers. Very few cruise ships have solo cabins, despite solo travel being a growing trend.

I’d like to see new ships fitted with small cabins for singles that could be sold at the same per-person rate as double/twin cabins. For most of my cruises, I’ve paid twice the going rate, and I don’t think that’s fair.

Why because, apart from providing the physical cabin space, it doesn’t cost the cruise company any more to have me on board than it does to have half a couple or one of a family or group.

I eat about the same amount as everybody else. I take up only one seat at the bar or in the theatre or by the pool. ANd it costs less to provide water for the shower, and to run the sewerage system, for just me than it would for two, three or four people.

So, back to the cabin — I’d be very happy if that were half the size. It’s just a place to sleep and shower; it doesn’t need to be fancy or big or have a balcony or even a window. If I wasn’t just a bit claustrophobic, I’d even suggest “capsule” rooms like those overnight hotels in Japan.

There are plenty of stats on the popularity of solo travel at Here’s just one: A study by of 20,500 global travelers that was released in May of 2018 found that there “is also a surge in solo travel … with two fifths (40%) of global Baby Boomers having taken a solo trip in the last year, and a further fifth (21%) planning to take one in the future.”

And it’s not just older people; a lot of young people travel alone, too.

Regular cruisers know that they’re sure to meet friendly people when they travel, so company isn’t an issue. What is an issue is being forced to pay twice the going rate for the same, albeit enjoyable, experience.

Is there, perhaps, the possibility of a class action forcing cruise lines to make greater provision for singles to sail at affordable rates?

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