Brett Debritz, Brisbane, Australia


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What's in a nickname?

Someone wise once said that the only nickname worth having is one given to you by somebody else. I mention this because I was reminded today of a minor celebrity whose writings I used to edit many years ago. He had a falling-out with the publication in question because we refused to refer to him by the nickname he had created for himself. He's still using it, and it still doesn't ring true.

Radio's great leap forward

While we're still umming and ahhing about digital radio here in Australia, it's well established in the UK. In fact, they are just about to roll out what's described as a "killer application" that will allow listeners to download songs they like as soon as they hear them on air. Now that's got to be good news for the radio and music industries - who will both make money from the paid-for service. However, at the rate we're taking up technology now it'll be years before we have it here. Details here (requires registration).

Email trail

A European Union report says between 50% and 80% of all emails are spam. If that's the average, who is getting all the legit email?