Brett Debritz, Brisbane, Australia


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All change at Triple M?

Is this a hoax, or is it for real? I didn't hear it myself but a reader of this blog has sent me an MP3 file of an ad that was played on Triple M this morning, claiming the station is changing its name on Friday. I will investigate further.
7.27pmAEST update: My station informant says it’s a national promotion and will take effect for one day only. I can say no more except that it’s related to a big band.
PS: If you want to hear the ad, it's on my other blog.

Phil's just a big kid

"Prince Philip was sitting in the back seat like an over-excited child at the prospect of going to a Bond movie." That, according to a "security insider", was the scene as the Queen and her husband drove in their Bentley to the premiere of Casino Royale. I find that hard to picture.

For the couple with everything ...

Over at the Internet Movie Database, there's a poll asking: "Imagine you're invited to the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes nuptials - what gift would you bring the happy couple?"
The results so far: A South Park DVD set (21.3%); a gift that will self-destruct in five seconds (14.4%); anything that won't result in a lawsuit! (my favourite - 14.2%); a copy of the Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs (12.0%); a copy of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet (9.6%); and a new publicist (6.2%).