Brett Debritz, Brisbane, Australia


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Sign language

Some relatives of mine on the southside of Brisbane are rather concerned about the council's priorities - and well they might. Seems workmen have just removed perfectly good street signs and replaced them with new ones. I'm told the signs weren't faded or falling over. The new signs are just centimetres from where the old ones stood. Will someone please explain?

A new name dawns

One of the good thing about having a distinctive name, such as Brett Debritz, is that is reinforces uniqueness. However, it can also trick up technology and give rise to unfortunate nicknames. At work I'm often known as "Daybreaks". Why? Because the spellchecker on Queensland Newspapers' production software refuses to accept either of my names as a real word and proffers "Beret Daybreaks" as a suitable alternative.

Errant apostrophe strikes again

I'm outraged. On page 11 of today's issue of The Courier-Mail, booze merchant BWS is advertising "Cup favourite's". Surely this is an advertisement created by an advertising agency whose staff ought to know better.